Create The Conditions
For Optimal Health:
Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit

Energy • Food • Plant
Hacks to Optimal Health Start Here
There’s a reason you’re here!
I am so grateful you’re here. You are a beautiful being who is ready to unleash your genius on the world!
We are living in remarkable times of renewal and transformation.
Times of opportunity in which it is possible to take a Quantum Leap to your own truest expression of Self.

It’s time to seize this opportunity to embrace your soul’s journey!
That’s why you’re here.
Well, I see you. I hear you. I feel you.
And I’m honored to support you.
So many things can knock us off track in the world. Sometimes we need a little help to get back on track. And sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know.
I know I didn’t.
Do you struggle with brain fog and disconnection? Do you keep repeating the same behaviors and emotional patterns though you ‘know’ better?
Do you feel like you eat healthily and exercise, yet you are having trouble shedding that weight, yo-yo dieting, and most importantly maintaining that health and healthy weight?
Have you always felt there had to be more to life than just this day-to-day but, have been living life unconsciously for years trying to keep your head above water?
And you just can’t do it anymore?

Journey Back to Self: A 90 Day Program to Optimal Health

Shamanic Energy Healing
Shamanic energy medicine is an ancient healing technique that empowers the individual to eliminate dis-ease and restore harmony both in their bodies and in their lives. Shamanic Energy Healing practices work to clear any imprints in one’s energy field thus creating conditions for optimal health.

Soulful Affairs: A Journey to Dying & Grieving Consciously
We all know to get our financial affairs in order when approaching life’s end or given a terminal diagnosis. But what about our soul affairs? Are you ready to die consciously? Have you said all that you need to say to your loved ones? Don’t know where to begin? Learn how to prepare for this, the most important journey of your life.
I’m passionate about helping you find the courage to…
Embrace Your Soul’s Journey
Creating a Balanced Soulful Life connected to Source and in harmony with Nature. One of vibrant health in which you enjoy:
- Connection with Soul and Spirit
- Guidance from your intuition/higher self
- Mental clarity, focus, and sharpness
- Optimal physical health including obtaining/maintaining your perfect weight.
- Emotional intimacy and confidence
- Heart-centered decisive decision making
- And so much more…
Shed the stories of your past, in order to shift your present, and re-write the story of your Destiny!
When the body, mind, soul, and energetic spirit are in balance, optimal health is accomplished and you gain the ability to think and react differently, from a place of oneness with the collective wisdom, making decisions that are best for you, your loved ones, planet Earth and your children’s children.


Client Praise

“I have been blessed to have known Angela for several years now and have watched her journey to where she has settled in as Medicine Woman. What a beautiful transformation of development. Her pathway to becoming and knowing her own awareness has brought out her remarkable strengths of compassion and empathy, building trust through interactive communications, support, knowledge, unconditional love for her clients, her strong connection to Spirit, and her gentle ability to truly hold space for others to heal.
Anyone seeking Shamanic energy healing to achieve optimal health would be fortunate to work with Angela while feeling encompassed by her healing wisdom and powers.” ~Dorene Hauff

“Angela is a beautiful, heart-centered healer who is deeply in tune with her inner medicine woman’s wisdom. She is approachable and attuned, compassionate and courageous, delicate yet direct, enthusiastic and energetic, and passionate and patient. Angela’s Spirit-led dedication to her personal evolution as well as her healing craft is palpable and potent and she openly and lovingly shares her beautiful gift of holding safe sacred space. I feel truly grateful to call Angela both a powerful healer and a beloved soul sister.” ~Adrienne Johnson

About Angela
Hello. I’m Angela Burge, Medicine Woman, compassionate healer on a mission to help you Embrace Your Soul’s Journey to heal your life, using the gifts of energy healing, food and plant medicine, and ritual ceremony.
With a degree in Anthropology from UC Berkeley, a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner from the Four Winds Society Light Body School, Facilitator of Grow A New Body Detox Program, completion of Four Winds Society, Women’s Medicine Journey training in herbology and essential oils, and as a Certified Reiki II Practitioner, I will facilitate your journey to bring your body, mind, soul and energetic spirit into wholeness, creating conditions for optimal health in which you can love life again!